
This Movie Changed My Life

Happy Feet by George Miller

Hello, Al Gore. I get it. You're really cool now that Lindsay Lohan talked to you at that GQ party but Al, my friend, get off your high horse. An Inconvenient Truth packs about about a quarter of a punch that this animated film about a dancing penguin does. Watch this movie Al, and take notes. This is how you deliver a message. I was literally on the edge of my seat from the first frame until the last and the only thing that would take me out of it we're the annoying 7-year-olds sitting behind me in the theater. Why the hell would anyone bring kids to this movie?

By the way parents, there was a LOT of sex in this flick, and no, it wasn't my imagination. Mumble and his girlfriend accidentally taught me the Kama Sutra. You'll get it after you see the film.

Watch this mind blowing piece of art for yourself and tell me- is this just a kids' movie or a religion? If you thought Jesus was charismatic, wait until you meet Mumble. The discrimination faced by this messiah of the new truth was more than my tear ducts could handle. (def: new truth: organized religion is silly at best/ different is good/ think critically). Luckily I had a hoodie that I could cover my head with and, like a real man, I cried silently. Safe!

When the credits rolled, I was faced by a conundrum. Do I A) go home and spread the messge B) not spread the message because people will think I'm uncool or C) sacrifice myself to the movie right there and then, infront of the children. I knew I was too handsome for C) the second I thought of it. I also knew that this movie came out a while ago, and it's true that I saw it kind of as a joke... But now I am a convert. Are you?

(whisper) spread the message (whisper)

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