
Whatever You're Into...This Is Better

X Ray Make Out Session by ???

Now this is taking it back to the basics. No race, no religion, no gender, no skin... just hot bone. It's about time. If I was a really edgy porn director ( I'm not...yet), I would try and make my name in the industry by steering clear of double penetration. Instead, I would make a full feature porno shot totally in x ray...in 3D! I would force the actors to swallow strange objects like small toys so a viewer could discern the pornographic thespians by the contents of their stomachs. Brilliant? Yeah, it kind of is.

Quick question- wanna see what an x ray blowjob looks like? If yes click on NSFW link below...

Not satisfied? Click Here for More!


Emilie Jasper-Petry said...

i like the slutty earrings she is wearing. also in the BJ one, the pubes look sparkley which i also like. i also always thought there was some sort of bone things in penises? no? well, looks like i'm a lesbian.

VA said...

there is no bone in bone

Anonymous said...

i thought the BJ one was gonna be hot....
like, ...a video of some deepthroating action.

...I ... I swear I wasn't anticipating that and ardently clicked the link...

what I really meant to say is:
is this guy on guy?
the blower's nose is too long and sharp to be a girl's - unless she's a witch.

unless also, of course, it's a friend of yours, and in that case I take it all back.

i'm pulling an all-nighter and this was a nice break.
...although i do wish it was a video.
