
Best Day Ever

iPhone by Apple.

Holy geeky smokes!!! The rumors have apparated (Harry Potter reference). Apple ventured into the magical land of mobile phones and they found one phone to rule them all (Lord of the Rings reference). Beam me up Scotty (Star Trek reference I think) because I sure as hell want one. I bet Chewbacca will be real jealous (Star Wars).


This isn't just a cell phone. This is a smart phone, iPod (4-8G), and full fledged internet browser rolled into one hot little cake. My pants just provided some cream for that cake. Ewww, sorry. That was sick (as in nasty). iPhone has no buttons because it functions through some magical finger touching technology (no need for a stylus- thank god) to do everything. It can sync your music, photos, videos, podcasts, contacts, bookmarks, etc with your Mac or PC.

Fun Tip- Turn it sideways to watch your homemade celebrity porn in widescreen format. I prefer Screeched featuring Screech from Saved by the Bell and two drunk naked ladies. Here's a tantalizing preview pic. Google it if you want the rest.
Ewww. Dirty Sanchez..ewww

Link- Apple iPhone


Emilie Jasper-Petry said...

i can't find Screeched clips anywhere and i wanna see some nasty dustin diamonds please

VA said...

what up emily, i recommend you try a bittorent downloading program such as Azureus and if that fails you always have your imagination to fall back on.