
Kids Books Gone Wild...Doggy Style

"It's Just A Plant" by Ricardo Cortés.

One of my really hot and trendy friends is shopping around a very controversial children's book she worked on. It deals with a little boy who believes that he should have been born a little girl. Fresh! I thought the book didn't stand a chance in hell even though it was shockingly well written, illustrated and designed. Well, it just so happens that I was wrong and that tongues are wagging all over the Big Apple. I'll post an update once the dust settles...

It seems that others have successfully published children's books on sticky topics. Ricardo Cortés has just issued a second edition of his children's book about getting stoned.

I think it is important to teach children early on how to get stoned gracefully so they don't get uncontrollably high one night during high school and call a girl they really like and tell her that they have the key to her heart...Horrible. Thank god that didn't happen to me...

Anyways, contributing artists to the Second Edition of the book include FUTURA, Too Fly, and SMARCUS among others. God, I can't believe I actually called her and told her I have the key to her heart. That is so smooth.

Head on over to the book's website if you want to read a few pages. Click here and follow the instructions to get a free pdf version of the whole book. (Only until Valentine's Day!).

Here's a bonus video of the author on the awful O'Reilly Factor. Ewww

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