
Heroes Source Material

J. Michael Straczynski's Rising Stars

Developing superpowers during puberty instead of pubes and pimples would be so much classier. Except it would suck to be that kid who gets a really lame-o superpower, like the ability to tell time without a watch... But I guess that could come in really handy, like when you take off your watch to have a shower and then you want to know how long you've been showering for. You'd also be really good at doing countdowns. Which would be a really good party trick for new years. I take that back, that's actually a really good superpower.

I guess a lame superpower is any superpower that fails to impress and/or fetch you poonani (sp?). For sure, superpowers are the coolest things that Jesus invented to date. Moses must be super jealous.

Anyways, this amazing graphic novel, "Rising Stars", is about...meh...here's a quote, I'm tired of writing...
"Rising Stars is a 24-issue comic book limited series by J. Michael Straczynski about 113 people (called "Specials"), as they are born with special abilities following a mysterious light in the sky. The comic explores how a society may react to the introduction of superpowers, and how those Specials may react towards society and each other."
Wikipedia Link

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