
An Apocalypse Named Paris Hilton


Pack up your bags kids, we're gonna be spending one more night in Paris. In fact we might stay a while...

Paris Hilton's online portfolio/ museum, the appropriately named Paris EXPOSED, finally launched after months of anticipation. The website features some of Paris Hilton's most daring work to date. It seems that by now everyone is familiar with her groundbreaking first effort, One Night In Paris. However, few thought that Paris would be able to replicate the unbridled honesty offered by her foray into the arena of night-vision sex. Fools.

The genius of Paris is unparalleled. Her new works feature the artist known as Paris having sex with the lights on! That's not all. The new works also show Paris smoking weed, talking smack about other rich people, taking a bubble bath, doing blow off a heavy male, interacting with a translucent floppy pink object that resembles male genitalia... The list goes on.

Apparently, Paris put all of this artwork, and many of her journals and other personal photos in a storage locker. Then she proceeded to fail to pay the storage bill, thus allowing the contents of the locker to be auctioned off to someone who understood the value of her art. This mysterious curator of modern art then silently set up the amazing Paris EXPOSED website. The entrance fee is $39.97 if you want the first look at this amazing exhibit. (Or just wait until people upload the stuff to Bitorrent)

The piece that is sure to draw the attention of the critics is the subtly beautiful "Look At Me, I'm Smoking a Tampon". Here is a screencap.

A few hundred years from now, Paris Hilton will be regarded as the creator of what I call the Social Art Movement. In an age that will come to be defined by internet video, she will prevail as one of the unique windows into the soul of a capitalist society and the realization of the American Dream. Is that hot?

1 comment:

Emilie Jasper-Petry said...

Not since Holly Woodlawn faked sex with a coke bottle in Warhol's "Trash" has there been such a dynamic and pure works. Andy would have loved it.