
Secret Blowjobs Are Great

Cock, I mean Coke Ad Mistake

Doesn't this poster from the 80s blow your mind? Hahaha, I did intend that pun in that last sentence there. I used the word "blow" because the ice cube above has a picture of a woman orating a big ol' erect penis. Hahaha, another pun, but this one doesn't make sense...I used to be ESL. Whatever.

This is a real poster from South Australia. The artist behind this prank was laughing all the way to the unemployment office.


You thought I was going to say "all the way to the bank" but I didn't because he was fired. The posters, which were widely distributed to various outlets across Sydney before the mistake was caught, were recalled and destroyed. OMG, you would be so cool if you had an original. I have five.

This reminds me of that scene in The Lion King when the clouds spelled sex during that song and my childhood was destroyed.

LINK (to where I stole this from)

1 comment:

Emilie Jasper-Petry said...

What about the old cover of A Little Mermaid which featured a nice big ol' dank in amoungst the rest of King Titan's towers of the palace? Also, the prince has a boner during the marriage scene of that movie. Pretty much, A Little Mermaid was my favourite movie as a little girl.