
The Definition of Geek

Geek Love by Katherine Dunn

I felt like I needed to take a rape shower after reading this book (def: rape shower: lying on the shower floor in the fetal position crying about something that made you feel vilolated, not necessarily rape, while water washes over your body). This novel is sick (as in awesome).

A homeless man taking shelter from the rain in my neighborhood bookstore persuaded me into buying this book that I knew nothing about. Dude, thank you... and sorry for not being able to help you out (I think I said "Oh sorry, I only have my dad's platinum mastercard on me).

Short Synopsis:
Art and Lily Binewski decide to breed their own traveling freak show by creating genetically altered children through the use of experimental drugs.
"What greater gift could you offer your children than an inherent ability to earn a living just by being themselves?"
Their children, their deformities, and their relationships will make you confront your own views of what is normal, what is ugly, and what is worth living/ dying for. YES PLEASE!

Amazon Link

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said...I face a similar confrontation in our relationship.