
Take Your Panties Off! Show That Baby Rat!

He Poos Clouds by Final Fantasy

Owen Pallett, the genius young man behind this fantastic album, is a master of naming things.

Owen named his band 'Final Fantasy', which my friend Wikipedia says was a tribute to the video-games series that both I and Owen love. Real game geeks should note that Owen's compositions are also heavily influenced by the awesomely melodramatic series.

The one man band's second album title is hands down the best title of any album ever. He. Poos. Clouds. Wow. I'm so sold. Head on to the kid's fan myspace and listen to "Many Lives 49 MP". My favorite right now.

PS- The title of this post has nothing to do with the post itself. It's just the lyrics to the Spank Rock song about Lindsay Lohan's pussy slip. Just another example of really good usage of word usage. Baby rat.

Owen's fan myspace

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